Tuesday, June 12, 2012


roving sea gangsters
rusted with other men's blood
seaworthy with scurvy
drunk ship barely
the smell of sea hair
hunger still
in his eyes
my father telling tales
my small brother and I
nearly on deck
two of the men aboard
unholy hoard conscripted
vessel for swine, horses or less
transgressive transportation
men's mouths hung
like another man's scarf
on the star-scarred
neck of the night
forced retreat to werewolf flash
a mere distance of pages
poured like sugar
maybe abandoned
some vampire children
some late-night fiend
dark horror / dark thrills
nightmare moon fuel
abandoned Dutchman at sea
intuitive portal closing
excited whisper cycles
desk lamp hidden
further thirst
the next setting
broken glass flashlight
or some other possibility

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