Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Francesca Woodman

What's the use?
Usefulness of it
Usury, usually
Mature into yet
Use it, us, me
what we were doing
together, needy
silent love used up
personal demoralized
difficult months
purposeful horses
improbable uses
mature into us
the references toward
broken lost touch
evidence of need
purpose is usefulness
confused for myself
the purpose of disappearing
parallels of use, of us
usefulness you put yourself into
difficult purpose
looked at for what you are
made my dead person 
lost unusual
used up passion fragile
What's the use?
Loan out a fragile interior
Healthy pictures process
a truck overturned on the street
value added or
subtracted quickly
shoulder to shoulder speed
uses of usury, the work
who knows?
what's the use? um.
alarming pictures
missing concern
not feeling drug taken
the value of purpose
useful went taking
b-movie shock cops
imagined black and white

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